Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Student Loans and the Federal Budget

First, read:  http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/01/news/economy/debt_ceiling_students/

Then answer in your notebook:

1.  Is federal student aid (loans) mandatory or discretionary spending?

2.  How has federal aid to students been impacted by sequestration?

3.  How have students (and which students) been impacted by changes to the federal student aid program?

4.  How was the money saved by the student loan cuts redirected within the federal budget?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would consider myself a worrier to the national debt. President Obama keeps asking congress to raise the nation debt and it is currently in the 16 trillions. By Obama continuing to raise the national debt and not being able to pay it off, it leads to many problems. It is never a good thing to be in debt and to keep digging yourself a big hole of debt is even worse. If we keep borrowing an printing money as country, it could lead to a decline in the economy and inflation. High debt levels lead to lower wages and less jobs which hurts the economy tremendously. Yes, I think we should worry about the national debt and try to make it as low at possible in order to move forward as a powerful country.