Monday, October 23, 2017

Chapter Title: Measuring Domestic Output and National Income (Check table of contents for ch. #. My version is ch. 7)

Due Tuesday, 10/24

1.  Why is it important for the Bureau of Economic Analysis to compile GDP data quarterly?
2.  Explain and provide an example of each type of transaction included in GDP:
a.  Consumption
b.  Investment
c.  Government Purchases
d.  Net Exports
3.  Contrast planned investment and unplanned investment.

Get outdoors!

Due Wednesday, 10/25

1. What is double counting in terms of GDP? Why is it an important error to avoid?
2.   Explain and provide an example of each type of transaction excluded from GDP:
a.  Intermediate products
b.  Secondhand sales
c.  Transfer payments
d.  Nonmarket transactions
e.  Non-productive transactions
f.  The Underground Economy

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